Tuesday 6 May 2008


I did not really enjoy doing this sample as I felt I had already 'done' this technique when I did Secret Garden in the first module. I do like hand sewing but I dislike this as I find it difficult to get a really neat result. I know that practice makes perfect and I am sure I would get to grips with it if I did enough. However I did enjoy doing the art work. My source is this tile photo which I thought was perfect for cathedral windows.
This is my collage which I really enjoyed - I have tried to make it representational of the tile rather than a straight copy of it.
Finally the stitched sample - not really my thing - but at least I have tried it.
I am noticing that my posting is not that regular but life seems very busy at the moment. There is still loads of my City and Guilds work to do with only two months left. I am determined to get all the Year 1 work completed and I will also eventually get it all posted here as I want to have a record of it all.

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