Friday 30 November 2012

Cheddar Bowties!

Over the last few weeks I have been working on my cheddar bowtie blocks. These were a Bonnie Hunter leader and ender challenge from last year! I decided I didn't like the traditional settings of the block and a visit to google images came up with this alternative setting which I really like. Also , by adding in the plain squares it makes your quilt twice as big! The blocks are 3 inches finished size and the top measures 50 inches square so far.

 Here is a closer view. It will finish with a narrow dark green border and then a border of four patches, currently being made as leaders and enders, in true Bonnie style.

 At the moment I am quilting my Geometric Modern Sampler quilt which I will share soon. I love quilting my own quilts, revisiting each block as I quilt it, but it takes so much longer than I think!

Monday 26 November 2012

Knitting and Stitching Show Harrogate

Yesterday I visited the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate. I think I have been attending for around 20 years! Although the focus is not on quilting there are usually lots of interesting exhibitions and this year was no exception. Here are a couple of my favourite exhibits.

 Cross stitching on metal and wood!

I purchased loads of fabric - I have been collecting the Alexander Henry Mexican 'Day of the Dead' fabrics from Fabrics Galore and yesterday I added these to my collection.

The plan is to make a simple, modern quilt for my youngest son.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Liberated Piecing Workshop for Region14 of the Quilters Guild

Last weekend I was busy teaching for the Yorkshire and Humberside region of the Quilters Guild.

Just look at these lovely colourful liberated blocks made by Glenda.

Batiks used to great effect by Sandra.

Christmas blocks made by Davina. She experimented with rectangular blocks and tiny liberated flying geese.

We had a big show and tell at the end - fabulous blocks and loads of them!
I really enjoyed the workshop and would like to thank all those who attended for such a lovely day. One of you paid me a great compliment when you commented that 'it hasn't been like a teacher led workshop, but just like a group of friends sewing together for a day'. Thanks for that, it means a lot!