For this sample we had to use a stained glass window as our source and I found this one which looks very much like a patchwork block already! Plus I loved the colours of it!

The artwork is a collage of hand made paper painted with acrylic paint. I glued the shapes onto black card to give the stained glass effect.

For my stitched sample I used some of my hand dyed fabrics and I actually used the fusible black tape which was much easier - I didn't even need to bondaweb the shapes although you have to be careful to make sure that it doesn't move as you iron it. I stitched over the black using my twin needle just to secure it. I then quilted it by stitching just inside every shape.

I was very pleased how it turned out although I am not sure I would want to do a whole quilt in this technique. It does give a lovely dramatic effect though!
This looks fantastic! The hand dyed fabrics glow just like the glass!
Janet, once again you have really captured the stained glass affect. You are doing such wonderful work in this class. I love the double needle affect on the black tape. And the dyed fabrics really look like light coming through the window. I love looking at these creations of yours. Maybe you could be my teacher :) Thanks so much for sharing! Love Stacy
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