Monday 23 March 2009

Free Motion Quilted Chickens.

I am now working on my fourth City & Guilds piece which will be a sewing machine cover. One of the pieces has to focus mostly on quilting so I have been busy practising my free motion quilting. My theme is chickens and I wanted to include quilted words in the piece. I have used some basic chicken shapes and am experimenting with how I can decorate them with quilting.
I want to try to make the quilting look like stylised feathers.

I am quite pleased with how these are looking.

I have also been experimenting with words - I have found that these have been very difficult to do with some of the fancy metallic threads and that cheap 100% polyester gives the best results. Someone told me this is what Philippa Naylor uses so I could be in good company!

This sample has been very heavily quilted - possibly too heavily - but I never thought I would master this meandering type of machine quilting. It just goes to show that the advice on machine quilting is correct - you need to practise!

1 comment:

anthea said...

hi janet
hot chicks! hope you are enjoying america
p.s. if your reading this then yes... I am now a blogger!!!!