Friday 10 June 2011


It seems that my photos did not appear in the previous Texas post - so hopefully it will work this time!

Vintage motel sign - significant for Bonnie Hunter fans!

The obligatory sign!

It was very hot!

Vintage gas station in Shamrock Texas, featured in the Disney film, Cars.

Spent the night in Amarillo where we visited the Big Texan Steak House. We were collected in a limo with horns on the front!

The dining room features lots of deer and moose heads. The 72oz steak is free if you can eat it within the hour. Many try and fail including a guy that tried while we were there.

Next was Adrian, the mid point of Route 66.

The cafe is owned by the lady who inspired the character of Flo in the Cars movie.

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1 comment:

Laurence said...

The limousine with the horns really reminds me of John Bradshaw Layfield of WWE and his limousine which looks exactly like that. And The Big Texan's mascot reminds me of Woody.

Laurence Modithre