Thursday 2 June 2011

Starting out on Route 66

We arrived in Chicago on Tuesday after a very good flight with Virgin Atlantic. When I checked in online I managed to bag two bulkhead seats which gave us loads of legroom - what a happy bunny I was!
We picked up our hire car and with a bit of gentle persuasion got the Dodge Charger we asked for.
Then it was off to our first stop in Joliet and a long sleep after a very long journey - almost 24 hours since we left our house.

Wednesday was hot and sunny as we set off on our Route 66 journey.

We spent the afternoon in Pontiac where they have a Route 66 museum and a great place for you to get a photo of your car.

Today is Thursday and we are in Springfield Illinois. There is a massive thunderstorm going on outside the hotel so perhaps we will go to the mall!
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Jude said...

whoops..It's Friday and I've just realised you are on your way...quick catch-up for me..
Take care

Kathleen said...

My husband and I started this journey two years ago. We will be doing it in parts due to time and money. You are going to have so much fun on this trip as there are so many quirky and unique things to see. We can't wait to get back on the road. Thanks for taking us along again, it brings back fond memories.